Wednesday, October 8, 2008

Some things are just out of my control

toby_scared, originally uploaded by phaird.

I love going to the park. Toby normally loves going to the park. The one thing that will send him running though is loud noises. One thing I'm finding out about Massachusetts towns is that many of them have gun clubs. There is one about a mile from my house and another in ear shot of the Acton park. Toby HATES it. He gets so scared and will run for cover anywhere he can. That is how he got lost over the summer. I've tried all kinds of things to get him to relax but he's almost 7 and he'll never stop fearing loud noises. I just need to understand it and let him find a safe place to hide. I just hope that this won't put him off going to the park. It does take a while for him to remember that this is his favorite place to go after an event like this. It will take a few weeks of going back before he'll feel comfortable again.


Unknown said...

I understand what you're going through. Except my dog attacks loud noises instead of running from them. We're trying some "socialization" techniques with a local trainer.

Good luck.

Renee said...

Aww..poor little Toby. My dog also has a fear of loud noises. She gets stressed if anyone raises their voice, but it's the vacuum cleaner she fears the most. She's jittery for several minutes after I put the vacuum away. Fortunately she's found a "safe" place in my bedroom to hide when the big, bad vacuum comes out.

Hope you and Toby can have some good times again at the dog park very soon!

Anonymous said...

I use to have a little shitzu when I was a kid that hated storms you talk about tough to deal with.She was a mess when there was a thunderstorm going on. But like you say you just have to let them ride it out their own way.

~Marie~ said...

Aww.. my dog gets scared with the sound of fireworks, and thunderstorms.

marianne said...

don't you just hate not being able to fix or explain it?

The New America said...

I have a mut with Lab, Boxer, Golden retriever blood. Totally black and shiney coat. Very smart dog!!!

kenny8blog said...

Hi Phaird,Don't let this get Toby
too scared.My yellow Lab,unlike his chocolate pal,gets very shaky
when ,at this time of year,fireworks start to blast off
for November 5th,Guy Fawkwes season/remembrance.I just give Jed
a couple of drops of Bach Flower
"Rescue Remedy" on a saucer yoghurt or milk.Laid back Jake,the
chocolate cool dog needs nothing.

The villager: said...

There is nothing worse than men with guns.......I hope all turns out OK.


mine hate the thunderstorms!!!

Coro said...

I wish I could keep a dog. It really is too bad that my house is too cramped.