Monday, May 18, 2009

A quiet day

petting, originally uploaded by phaird.

If you listen to the weather on TV on Sunday, you would have never left the house. They were saying it was going to rain and be cold all day but it the day couldn't have been nicer to me. It was cool and there was very light rain but that didn't last. That could be the reason the park was really quiet at 10am when most people arrive. It's easy to want a lazy day on Sunday of all days. For Toby and me, it is the one day we get all for Toby.

I know I don't normally talk about the book project that started this blog but I am still trying to get that going. Things have been really slow the past month or so. My day job was very busy and I'm also trying to start up a pet photography business as well.

I know I'm at a point where I need to push myself. I need to start to collect stories. I've got over 2 years of photos and could put together a great series just from that. The stories about the dogs, the people and the park are what will make the book have a broader appeal. A part that is holding me back is what questions to ask. What do I really want to know? How do I get to the heart of the story? These are some of the things I've been asking myself lately. I have talked with a few writers and some have had some great insight into what kind of directions the book could take. Really seeing the emotions in the stories. I'm a very practical person who often looks for facts in my daily life. What I want is less tangible. I know the feeling, I can even capture it in my photos. My next goal is to get it in story form.

I'm going to try to collect some stories in the next few weeks and start submitting it to magazines like the Bark or the Pet Gazette. I think this will help my chances of publishers seeing how serious I am about this subject.

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