Sunday, September 28, 2008

Still moving forward

Most everyone who hasn't done it already, is looking for their dream job. To be able to work in your field, feel like you make a difference and be rewarded for it. This book project is the start of that for me. Even though I haven't gotten the book off the ground yet, I am getting a lot of attention locally. I'm "that guy" every Sunday that people know as the photographer and have made some good friends and connections. I'm getting involved in my town (Maynard MA) with dog lovers who want more for our town we care about. Most importantly, I'm working with my photography with a subject that I'm passionate about.
This blog is what keeps me going when I have low times; kinda like this week. Last week I was all excited about getting a package together to send out to a publisher and have most of the pieces put together but then the day to day of life got in the way and a week later, I'm no farther ahead. I haven't taken any photos and I feel a like I let myself down. Their are gaps in my project that I need to fill and am not sure how to proceed.
It was also a rainy weekend here and that can get me down when I don't make it to the park. The good thing is that I am still pressing forward and hope to get a package together to start sending out to publishers around the country. It's kind of daunting but I know this is a good idea and have lots of encouragement from other dog lovers out there. This is only the beginning.


The Writer said...

Sounds like we had similar weeks, only I got the job that I can tolerate while I get the project going. You keep at it, and I haven't forgotten about the thingie I wrote you about...its just been an incredibly busy week! Hopefully I'll be able to get back to you on it this week!

Happy wandering!

The Writer...and her dog, Bear

~Marie~ said...

I'm in my dream job of radio, and I am trying to push forward... some days are harder than others, so I know how you feel.

Keep at it and good luck!

Lori - Blondie in Brazil said...

I found your blog a couple of weeks ago and thought I would comment after catching up this weekend. I find your project so interesting and your photos beautiful. I am a dog lover myself and have a pug, Macy. I've enjoyed reading about your journey and plan to keep following.

I am in a similar path with my dream job at the moment, freelance writing. I, too, had a bad week last week. Here's to next week being better!