Sunday, September 20, 2009

No park for me

Did you see me at the park today? No? Well, thank Toby for that. We got there and with in 5 minutes Toby heard shots from the gun club near by (over a mile away) and ran back to the car. We didn't even get half way into the park before he turned around. I even brought the chuck-it and extra tennis balls but had no luck at all. On such a nice day too.

The only good thing about it is that I got to go home and watch the Sunday Morning Early show which I normally miss. Bill Geist had a unique segment on the process of adopting a dog for the first time. This wasn't the normal Geist segment where he goes out into the unknown parts of the US to find fun things on the fringe. This was much more personal and is able to point out some of the powerful, yet simple things about becoming a dog owner that we as dog owners know but those that aren't don't understand. It is one of the rare stories that Bill is just as much of the story as his dog and was nice to see. Check it out if you get a chance.

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